
Day 52

It's hard to visualize spring whilst under a winter weather advisory, but it will get here; it will show up.  I spent the fall and winter hoarding my summer fruits that I froze and preserved in the sweltering days of summer.  Now I find myself with a (smallish) glut of berries and stone fruits languishing in the freezer, and rows of preserves waiting to be opened.  I also find my frozen baked good reserves to be at a dangerously low level.  So, it is time to bake things.  Today I made these little thingies, cookie-ish, donuty, muffin-like treats that I hope will freeze.  They aren't very pretty, but that's my fault.  I will try harder next time.
 I made these in my mini muffin tins,with homemade blueberry jam.

And these were made in larger tins, with peach preserves.  

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