There is nothing to be done about it now; civilization has ceased to be that
delicate flower which was preserved and painstakingly cultivated in one or two
sheltered areas of soil rich in wild species which may have seemed menacing
because of the vigor of their growth, but which nevertheless made it possible to
vary and revitalize the cultivated stock. Mankind has opted for monoculture; it
is in the process of creating a mass civilization, as beetroot is grown in the
mass. Henceforth, man's daily bill of fare will consist only of this one item.-Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques
No, this man did not make jeans, but rather was a fairly famous French anthropologist who was here commenting on the destruction of the Amazon rain forest and the effects of such destruction on the people and ecology of this region. What strikes me as funny (and clearly not in a "ha-ha" sort of way) is just how poignant and applicable this quotation still is today.
Next month in the state of Ohio, voters will be asked to cast a yes or no vote on Issue 2, which would create the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board. The creation of this board would require and amendment to the Ohio constitution. On surface, the creation of this Board seems like a good thing, something to support for those of us who promote and support farmers and ranchers who raise their livestock humanely. The fact of the matter is, the Board would grant even more power to factory farms and CAFO's, backed by the support of law, with virtually no oversight.
The idea of driving through the state of Ohio and seeing giant cow, pig, and chicken feedlots surrounded by the already overwhelming miles of commodity corn frankly makes me sick to my stomach. Voting yes on this issue simply gives more power to groups that have too much already, continuing the cycle of environmental pollution and inhumane treatment of livestock, and trampling the family farm.
On Issue 2, I will be voting no to show my support for sustainable agriculture and Ohio family farms. I hope this issue is important enough to you to do the same.
Panettone Bread Pudding
I’m somewhat of a grump about bread pudding. It’s not that I don’t like it,
but to me, bread pudding is something you eat at home, like fruit salad. I
1 week ago