
Day 264: New Eats!

I am nerdily excited about two new books I bought: Feed Zone Portables and Power Hungry. My daughter and I have been riding many a mile on our bikes, spending more time with athletic-minded people, and well, consuming a few more calories. We eat our fair share of power and energy bars, and often stop for a meal along our route. While the calories we ingest from these foods give us a great energy boost, they are often lacking in great flavor, leaving us dissatisfied and not wholly satiated.

Turns out, we are far from the only people who feel this way. And while the athlete-food industry gobbles up billions of our dollars, we are left gobbling up tasteless blocks of food-like substances which often even hinder performance.

As a budding (and I mean like, a seed just covered in dirt and watered a little) cyclist, but experienced cook and new food businessperson, I have come to the point of trying to rectify this problem, at least on a local level, and at least as concerns my personal belly. It makes no sense to me why we promote whole foods in our everyday life yet neglect the food needed for athletic endeavors!

So last night for dinner, I cooked up my own version of Feed Zone's Rice Soufflé:

Top: Rice and egg "soufflé" with curry kimchi
Bottom: Rice and egg "soufflé" with grilled bacon and jack cheese.

These little gems are delicious!  Full of flavor and quite filling. I plan on making them on a regular basis, and already have plans for new flavor combinations. We sampled them last night for supper, served with English muffins, and we were all satisfied. It is important to remember here, that with such simple ingredients, quality is key. The results wouldn't have been nearly as successful if I hadn't started with Innisfree eggs and great accompanying ingredients!

I am already loving this cookbook, and look forward to creating my own versions of its great ideas.

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